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IMI, Desert Eagle, CAL: .41/.44 MAGNUM, MFG: Modern, SN: 74117, ...
Item # 4423

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(excludes shipping)

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Bid on This Item

Winning Bid US $998 First bid $500
Quantity 1 # of bids 8
Time left Auction has ended
Started 2022-11-04 00:00:00
Ended 2024-03-01 22:05:02

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Auction currency is U.S. dollars (US $) unless otherwise noted.

IMI, Desert Eagle, CAL: .41/.44 MAGNUM, MFG: Modern, SN: 74117, Semi Auto Pistol, 6'' barrel. The IMI logo, textured grips are excellent. The matte black finish on the frame & slide rates 99%. Bore is basically mint. The slide holds a Trijicon dual white dot rear sight & white dot front sight. Comes with a Sidekick holster. The Desert Eagle is unique as an auto-loader because it performs, even thrives on hot Magnum loads which would crack or shatter any other brand of auto loader. The Desert Eagle's rifle traits have the advantage of taming recoil, which is an important consideration for a large caliber handgun. FFL Req. - Value: 1000 to 2000

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Payment Instructions
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IMI, Desert Eagle, CAL: .41/.44 MAGNUM, MFG: Modern, SN: 74117, ...
Item # 4423
This auction is over.
No new bids can be placed.
Price: US $998
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